Recent content by lmx50000

  1. L

    I can't not login cpanel yet.

    The account management shows that my hosting account is still on fris. And I can not open a valid cpanel-login page.
  2. L

    I can't Login CPanel.

    But I can't login yet. What should I do to resolve it?
  3. L

    I can't Login CPanel.

    My hosting account has be moved to fris. And I have changed the password in Account Management Panel. But I can't login CPanel yet. Please help.
  4. L

    Is it a bug?

    I can't login CPanel for three days. Could someone help me?
  5. L

    Please delete addon domains.

    Nothing happened.
  6. L

    Please delete addon domains.

    Nothing happened. Anything goes well. Thanks a lot for this forum.
  7. L

    I can't login to cpanel.

    Thanks a lot, Derek. You are so kind, x10hosting serves the best!
  8. L

    I can't login to cpanel.

    The direct page tells me that my account is suspended when entering my website. But it shows my account is unsuspended in the hosting account management. And I can not login to cpanel for about two days. Is there something wrong with my account? Please help me...
  9. L

    I can't login the Cpanel by my acount.

    It shows that my account status is unsuspended in my hosting acount management. But when I enter my website, the direct page tells me my site is suspended. And I can't login to cPanel in the hosting account management. Need help~
  10. L

    Adobe CS5 -- anyone got any comments?

    I tried it. But I myself like eclipse+pdt for web development more than dreamweaver cs5 does. --post with my pool english...
  11. L

    What CMS do you suggest?

    I just suggest Joomla.