Recent content by markmcde

  1. markmcde

    Disk space full, can't find the large files.

    I find I cannot run WordPress updates, or upload graphics, because I have a "Disk Space Full" error. I;ve been digging through File Manager, but cannot find and bulky files to remove. I does not look like I have backup files taking up space. I thought if I could search all files at once and sort...
  2. markmcde

    Free Hosting Down

    I suddently could not access files on x10Hosting. I tried to log in directly to my account and got a 500 Server error. Any info on this?
  3. markmcde

    SSL Activation

    Hi! People say they have been unable to access my account because it doesn't have a certificate for https://. I thought I had this worked out before. Do I need to specifically request SSL?
  4. markmcde

    Blank Screen upon login

    So I changed my password as the signin screen insisted earlier this week. It accepted my new password. But now when I log, it just goes to a blank screen. No message, no links, nothing. I've tried this for three days and still a blank screen. My WordPress site is still there at...
  5. markmcde

    404 not found

    Still no service on my x14 site. No web page, no control panel.
  6. markmcde

    404 not found

    My site on the x14 server has been down for almost a week, as well.
  7. markmcde

    New thread request: SSL

    Nope, I just pasted the same code into a page on my account, and had the same result. So I guess I'll be trying some iframe-based plug-ins and see how they work.
  8. markmcde

    New thread request: SSL

    Garrett, Thanks again for your help. I thought I was all clear to show iframes on my third-party hosted blog, but it turns out that it only shows on Firefox, and likely only on a desktop browser. I've got my Certificate setting to "Use the server's certificate". I don't really see that it...
  9. markmcde

    New thread request: SSL

    Garrett, Thanks much for your volunteer effort in helping out. I could not get back to visit my account until just now. I nound the SSL tab and have activated the "server's certificate." Giving it a little time to work its magic. I am not certain whether I needed extra security for my site. I...
  10. markmcde

    New thread request: SSL

    Per our volunteers' request, I'm posting this as a new thread. Thanks. I've tried to install an SSL certificate through CloudFlare, but they get a little vague about what to do next. Would you be able to add a cert through CloudFare or Let's Encrypt? I had a dandy little app running on my...
  11. markmcde

    Resolved ssl for free hosting

    Even after logging on through https and going to user/ssl, I get the message: Feature Disabled This feature has been disabled. Please, contact your administrator.
  12. markmcde

    Resolved ssl for free hosting

    I cannot find the "let's encrypt" option anywhere in DirectAdmin. I don't even have a "Security" tab.
  13. markmcde

    Resolved Please standby while transfer you to your web hosting account.

    I have the same issue, and I can't access my WordPress page, either.
  14. markmcde

    Resolved Site goes down EVERY TEN MINUTES

    Thanks for writing. Frankly, the main WordPress page has not given me any issues. I also have a little script on the host that takes Google Calendar data and converts it to HTML, which then feeds it to another blog post inside of iframes. The end result is here...
  15. markmcde

    Resolved Site goes down EVERY TEN MINUTES

    My site, ( is being monitored by Hyperping. For the past four, days, I've been getting emails that say the account is "down." A few minutes later, I get a notice that the account is "up." This has been happening practical every ten minutes. And it...