Recent content by mholmes

  1. M

    Access to setting on Illuminated Server

    I need to pass on access to a new maintainer for my paid account. When I try to access the settings on cpanel I get the following. This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 Any suggestions would be welcome as to how to resolve...
  2. M

    Email from Joomla test site.

    I am in the final stages of testing for a new site for the Estes Park Newcomers club. During initial testing I inadvertently sent a large number of emails while creating users. I have apparently had php mail blocked. Current testing is at the email to members stage and I have limited members...
  3. M

    Broken Links in forum posts

    Thanks Sharky, but there doesn't seem to be the detail I need on either of those links and I have left two messages about a week apart using the contact us link at the bottom and have had no response from anyone. Mike
  4. M

    Broken Links in forum posts

    I have been looking for information on paid services and on policies There are a lot of links in forum posts to this information but none of them seem to work. Has anyone else had this problem. Also posted two messages to sales with questions about paid hosting (starting two weeks ago) and...
  5. M

    Random connection reset by server errors on X04

    I am getting random errors "connection reset by server" on my website on x04 refreshing clears the error but am going into testing with non-techies. Anyone else having this problem?
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  9. M

    public_html and other directories missing from server

    Yes they did, but I probably was the one that did it. Oh well I did want to start over on the thing anyway.
  10. M

    public_html and other directories missing from server

    It would appear that public_html and all contained files has disappeared from my account on server x04. The account is I was working with the team at OSsolution on some problems so this may be part of their work otherwise what happened.
  11. M

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Been off working on a site getting ready for release. Came back today and server x03 is running slow and still throwing 503 errors.
  12. M

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Sorry I am working on three different servers for three different projects. My condo association is on illuminated. I have an account on x03 for development which is where the errors are coming in. I also have an account on x04 which will we hope we will be moving to a paid server when we get...
  13. M

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Got hit again just now. First three accesses to the backend of the site. Refresh got me through but it keeps showing up on x04
  14. M

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Seeing the same issue on x04 server!
  15. M

    Error S503 on Joomla Site

    Thanks, that is exactly the issue.