Recent content by mike02x90

  1. M

    My site isn't loading properly.

    Please help me!! My site isn't loading properly, when I visit it it loads a Blank page. I checked the error log and this is what I found: 2011-10-19 19:33:41.314 [ERROR] [[HTAccess]] rewrite: invalid rewrite condition while parsing: RewriteCond...
  2. M

    Loading blank page?

    Now I can't access either my Webmail or cPanel! :O ---------- Post added at 04:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 AM ---------- Hi this is the log I found:
  3. M

    Loading blank page?

    Whenever I type my ownsite, it shows a blank page? However if you read the title it does show everything on the toolbar and address bar, it just not loading my content at all.
  4. M

    How to configure my e-mail using Outlook 2010 or Windows Live Mail?

    I'm using Outlook 2010 but somehow it won't send out the test e-mails, but it will log into my POP3, another problem I have is that I can't use my SSL account as well. Please help!! Thanks!!
  5. M

    Unable to open the x10 e-mail using Outlook 2010.

    I'm using Outlook 2010 but somehow it won't send out the test e-mails, but it will log into my POP3, another problem I have is that I can't use my SSL account as well. Please help!! Thanks!!
  6. M

    Forgot my password

    But the problem is that I can't remember my password, so it will ask me for the current password, which is the one that I don't remember.
  7. M

    Forgot my password

    Please help me by resetting my password! Thanks!
  8. M

    Please unsuspend my account!

    Thanks! I didn't know that!
  9. M

    Please unsuspend my account!

    Please unsuspend my account! I have posted on the support forums and logged into my account for consecutive weeks and yet my site is still blocked. Thanks!
  10. M

    Please unsuspend my account!

    Hi, Please unsuspend my account, since I did post last month on the Support Forums, or those doesn't count as post?
  11. M

    Unable to open the x10 e-mail using Outlook

    Hi, Im unable to open my x10 Account on Outlook 2010 or Thunderbird. I'ved tried using all the ports and the passwords of my mail accounts and yet it won't let me log into my account. Please help!
  12. M

    Problemas con Outlook 2010 o cualquier cliente de de correos.

    Buenas, Yo estoy teniendo problemas usando el correo de x10 en cualquier aplicacion de correo. Sea Outlook 2010 o Thunderbird.
  13. M

    Help configuring my E-mail client.

    I'm using Outlook 2010 but somehow it won't send out the test e-mails, but it will log into my POP3, another problem I have is that I can't use my SSL account as well. Please help!! Thanks!!
  14. M

    Flush DNS message.

    Hi all, I can´t access my site, and I already flushed the DNS and it still shows that theres an error on the site. Please help!
  15. M

    Hosting Service Suspension.

    Please un-suspend my account, I have posted on your forums.