Recent content by MilkshakeSpoon

  1. M

    This webpage is not available... Oh?

    I can confirm that everything now works on my end. Thank you for your quick responses. It's funny because the AddType command was added last time I had a problem and now this time it's been fixed by removing it :L. Thanks again, Nathan
  2. M

    This webpage is not available... Oh?

    Hi, I left my site in working order about a month ago and logged into the cpanel every now and then to keep the account activated. I recently noticed a drop in my ad revenue and found out that my webpage says 'This webpage is not available' when accessed via My...
  3. M

    Can't create .htaccess file

    I get the following error when trying to create the file .htaccess in the file manager. The page at says: ERROR: Could not create file ".htaccess" in /home/milksha3/public_html: File exists THE FILE DOES NOT ALREADY EXIST! and if it does then it certainly isn't...
  4. M

    403 Forbidden - Access to this resource on the server is denied!

    Bryon managed to fix it yesterday, turns out the issue was due to the following line in ~/.public_html/.htaccess file: Code: AddType application/x-httpd-php54 .php .php5 .phtml I was using this command as the new php version that was introduced a few weeks ago was causing a brightness issue...
  5. M

    Website still showing '403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied!' 2 weeks+

    Thank you very much, I was using that line due to a problem with the old php version which was bleaching images and making them look a lot brighter than what was originally updated. I guess this problem was fixed with the server upgrade, damn wish I checked this weeks ago hahaa :L. Thanks...
  6. M

    Website still showing '403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied!' 2 weeks+

    Hello, I am still receiving the '403 Forbidden. Access to this resource on the server is denied!' error, despite raising this issue during last week (Thread seems to have been deleted) Website can be found at or -Permissions are set correctly...
  7. M

    Slow Site

    Feel lucky that you have a site at all on a free hosting service. Lots of people are having problems with sites not loading and instead receiving... 403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied! If you want faster loading times then I suggest spending some money on your...
  8. M

    403 Forbidden - Access to this resource on the server is denied!

    There is an index and the permissions are set to 0644. When I go to other pages on the domain, they return the 404 error. I haven't changed anything over the past few weeks and the site was working 100% before the migration. Cheers, Nathan
  9. M

    403 Forbidden - Access to this resource on the server is denied!

    When trying to access my website via either my parked domain or the domain provided by x10 - the page displays this error along with a powered by litespeed logo. 403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied! When I log into the...