Recent content by Mjacks47

  1. Mjacks47

    Website will not display

    Thank you
  2. Mjacks47

    Website will not display

    I still can't get into the Hosting Control Panel and my website still will not display. What is the problem with my account? Is it block? If so why? I really would appreciate some help.
  3. Mjacks47

    Website will not display

    Unfortunately it still appears to be blocked as I am still getting ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT for, and at 16:37 16th May 2024 Sydney time. Would you please try unblocking my website once again. Can you...
  4. Mjacks47

    Website will not display

    I am not sure what is happening now as even though the https:// appears before my website name, and, each timeout with the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT message. Also, I cannot get into the Hosting Control Panel...
  5. Mjacks47

    When trying to Create a New SSL - Message: CANNOT EXECUTE YOUR REQUEST

    When I try to obtain a new SSL I get the following error: CANNOT EXECUTE YOUR REQUEST Domain does not exist on the system. Unable to find in /etc/virtual/domainowners, and domain is not set as hostname (servername) in DirectAdmin configuration. Exiting... no valid domain...
  6. Mjacks47

    Website will not display

    Thanks for your response about the SSL. Now that I can once again access my control panel I am once again trying to renew my SSL. It expired on 8th May 2024. When I try to obtain a new SSL I get the following error: CANNOT EXECUTE YOUR REQUEST Domain does not exist on the system. Unable to find...
  7. Mjacks47

    Website will not display

    Thankyou I can now access my control panel and website
  8. Mjacks47

    Website will not display

    Since trying to renew the SSL, I can't access the Hosting Control Panel. It times out. So cannot do anything to the SSL. When trying to access the Hosting control Panel I get this message: "This site can’t be reached took too long to respond." And get a similar message when...
  9. Mjacks47

    Website will not display

    My website will not display. Also the SSL would not renew. I think this is because I exceeded the disk space when I tried to update a plugin and renew the SSL. I have upgraded to starter to increase the disk space. Will my website now be reinstated?
  10. Mjacks47

    Cannot Access my Website after updating it

    My website started working again yesterday so must have been a temporary block. Thanks for your help.
  11. Mjacks47

    Cannot Access my Website after updating it

    Thanks for your response. Do you know how I can get my ip unblocked?
  12. Mjacks47

    Cannot Access my Website after updating it

    This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
  13. Mjacks47

    Cannot Access my Website after updating it

    I am using the x10hosting free hosting and keep getting the following message when I try to access my website or when I click on the Hosting Control Panel. Does anyone have any idea how I can access the dashboard of my website again?
  14. Mjacks47

    Cannot Access my Website after updating it

    I changed something on my website this morning. Now I cannot access my website - it times out - How do I Fix this?