Recent content by mrcherry.pro31

  1. mrcherry.pro31

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I used to play with gamepad on PC. It's hard to play in shooters with gamepad, but I think it's ideal for games like Elder Scrolls.
  2. mrcherry.pro31

    Dead Island

    Very boring game.
  3. mrcherry.pro31

    Which games do you think is the most difficult to play?

    Racing simulators. It's very hard to enjoy the game when you have to restart each race at least 5 times.
  4. mrcherry.pro31

    My Favourite Game

    Diablo 2
  5. mrcherry.pro31

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    FlatOut Ultimate Carnage :P
  6. mrcherry.pro31

    Battlefield Play4Free

    I decided not to play bf p4f anymore.
  7. mrcherry.pro31

    Battlefield Play4Free

    Does any of you play Battlefield Play4Free? What do you think about it?
  8. mrcherry.pro31

    Hotmail Vs Yahoo Vs Gmail

    GMail, of course. :wink: Hotmail is pretty nice too...