Recent content by neoshadowwolf

  1. N


    Mmhmm... okay. What would you say about the site though? On the foundation of a story site made in HTML and CSS, that is. Do most things look organized overall? Is the design satisfactory or too simplistic? Should some basic features be included? Are certain parts of the site annoying? I just...
  2. N


    Hmm, pretty harsh. Don't worry, I'm not that naive. Traffic won't be coming in just a few days, yeah... I mean, I've been at this same situation for quite a while and I'm trying to use every legitimate tactic out there whenever I have the time. As far as unique and genuine content goes... it's...
  3. N


    It's a Pokémon fanfiction site. Probably not suiting to everyone's tastes but please do not flame me on the basis of making something modeled after Pokémon. It's really not that big of a deal but if you have nothing nice to say, don't comment or don't even bother viewing.
  4. N

    Need Assistance With A Lot of Things

    First off, I should confer this. A long time ago, I used x10hosting's free hosting service for a single website I was running... under a subdomain. Later on, I changed hosts multiple times due to various server performances. My website isn't really that large to be honest... just lots of text on...
  5. N

    NO Access to Website

    Hmm, I guess this is why I cannot log into Cpanel. I even reset my password and it won't work. And yes, my account was set to the Chopin server. I suppose this will take some time before I can update anything else on my website.
  6. N

    I r martian

    I r martian
  7. N

    My Website Is Not Updating

    It's on Starka. Alright, I'll wait.
  8. N

    My Website Is Not Updating

    Using CPanel X, I tried updating my current web pages. I made the web pages using NotePad and they worked correctly before. Something is wrong though. CPanel X did not display the updated material (in fact, nothing changed). I even tried deleting the web pages from CPanel public directory...
  9. N

    Need Assistance with Posting Websites

    Okay, now I see what I am doing wrong. I tried the cPanel X function before but it wouldn't let me log in before. I didn't know why and I kinda gave up. Then, I figured out that it was case-sensitive (the account I made started with a Capital letter but it was changed to lower for some reason)...
  10. N

    Good Afternoon

    Thank you for the welcome but do you have any solutions? Sorry if I'm being rude, but I'm in a bit of a rush.
  11. N

    Need Assistance with Posting Websites

    I rather not repeat myself so please answer here: I really could use some help so may I ask for more responses on how I can publish a website using Vista? I apologize if I shouldn't make a portal here.
  12. N

    Good Afternoon

    Yeah, so name's Neoshadowwolf and I am new to web programming, design and maintenance. I am just starting with the basics using HTML and then maybe learn some more stuff like CSS and PHP. So, the first official website I am trying to maintain is a Pokémon fan-made RPG (don't judge me, if you...