Recent content by nipunpcr

  1. N

    Contact Form

    Just a suggestion: try sending the email to the "localhost" (not Gmail), and see if that works.
  2. N


    An update: I just tried using my personal CloudFlare account to add my domain. CloudFlare was able to scan all x10hosting records. I then simply updated my NS records, and everything seems to work fine through CloudFlare. Thanks!
  3. N


    Hi again, Just wondering if you were able to find the issue? Thanks!
  4. N


    Perfect! Thank you! EDIT: It seems that when I click on the CloudFlare icon, it just redirects back to the same page. I have tried it on different browsers. Is there something I am missing?
  5. N


    Hello, I tried searching for this, but could not find any result. So, please redirect me if I am posting it in the wrong section. After looking at a few support forums, it seems that x10hosting has support for CloudFlare. But, I cannot find it under my account cPanel. I would appreciate any...