Recent content by omaras

  1. O

    Having a problem with my site

    I'm getting msg from my AVG antivirus "Malicious site" My page is under construction, I have nothing in it to bee malicious. Any ideas why is that happening ?
  2. O

    Count to 1 Million

    hmm... 2713
  3. O

    Count to 1 Million

  4. O

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  5. O

    How do you do?

    Welcome Isaac, Let the x10 will be with you :)
  6. O

    Guess Who Posts Next

    Wrong :D I think next will bee DefecTalisman
  7. O

    Hello Everybody!

    Welcome ! :biggrin: :cool:
  8. O

    Get indexed in Google, Yahoo and Windows Live

    Thanks for useful information, I was trying to get indexed in google and I was waiting already for a month. Hope this will help :cool:
  9. O

    Hello guys!

    Welcome :)
  10. O

    I've just realized that...

    who cears about this ugly animal joke :)
  11. O

    Sid Meier's Civilization III

    I like Civilization IV, played it last week :cool:
  12. O

    Need info

    tnx all :lockd::lockd::lockd:
  13. O

    Anyone using Twitter?

    this is the first time i sow twitter :D
  14. O

    Need info

    this is not a problem... thas what i get... it was back online for about 6h, after thet it's ofline agayn, traying get it to work more then 2h... is this 99,9 uptime ? i cant find info about servers going ofline for so long time.... sorry for my speling
  15. O

    Need info its not working.... any1 can open it and ?