Hi, I can´t access phpmyadmin (don´t remember credentials), so I need reset password.
Could you let me a hand?
My site:
.htacces route: https://opositoresamaa.x10host.com/public_html
*site is in forum directory. Is the .htaccess route directory ok?
Now, when I try to access to: http://opositoresamaa.x10host.com/forum/
Server show me this error:
Added this line in .htaccess: php_flag...
At first, thanks for your fast answer.
I`ve changed php version to 5.6
I´ve marked like you suggested me:
Problem persist, I can`t accesss to my site. Now error changed with the new
What could be happening? Site is a phpbb forum.
Hi guys, my site is down long time ago. When I try to access, I have this error:
My site:
I don´t know how to fix that. Not sure if staff banned site or what is the real problem.
If anyone can help me with that, I´ll be so grateful.
Best regards