Recent content by qusic

  1. Q

    Delete my account please.

    cPanel username: qlibang ( X ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting account is deleted. The X also serves as my...
  2. Q

    can't log in cPanel

    Ok, Thank u! but when will it finish? :confused:
  3. Q

    can't log in cPanel

    I tried changing my password yesterday, but the action statu is "process wait" up till now. @_@
  4. Q

    can't log in cPanel

    Hi there, I want to ask why I can't use my username and password which I can log in account panel to log in cPanel. It always said,"Login Attempt Failed!" Thank you for helping me! ;-)