Recent content by Raph222

  1. Raph222

    Website so slow...

    Hi, My website is very slow, look here : Why ?? Thanks :)
  2. Raph222

    Delete or activate account

    Can you delete or activate my account ? Because I didn't receive the e-mail. Thanks.
  3. Raph222

    Subdomain not available, but no e-mail :(

    Hi, Yesterday I signed up for a free account at (the subdomain was available), but I didn't receive an e-mail. Today I tried again to sign up, but now my subdomain isn't available now. Can you re-send the email to me ? I can send my email adress by PM. Regards, Raph
  4. Raph222

    I really need an account...

    Hi, I tried to get an account for a week (and more...), but my bypass code doesn't work. But the problem is that now, I really need an account. I wrote to Corey but he didn't answer me. Can you help me, or create an account ? Thanks ! Regards, Raph ;)
  5. Raph222

    I didn't get an account

    Hello, I submitted my application for free hosting with a valid bypass code yesterday. But today I don't have a mail with my ID, password, etc... and my subdomain doesn't exist. Why ? Bug ? Thanks.
  6. Raph222


    Hello, I'm Raph. I'm 13 years old. I like graphics and web developpement. I try everyday to "won" a x10hosting account... :biggrin: Sorry for my bad english i speak french ;) EDIT : We need a bypass code to have a free hosting ? I found one of them in the signature of someone, is it that ?
  7. Raph222


    Hello, I've a question. Can I have a french website with a free package ? Thanks