Recent content by sagekozu

  1. sagekozu

    Resolved Site Down Error 522

    Awesome, that is back up for me too. The regular domain still isn't working, but I at least know the site is working. The other issue is most likely what is referenced in the thread about cloudflare.
  2. sagekozu

    Resolved Site Down Error 522

    Okay, I'm not seeing anything recent. *edit: The reason I thought it might have been taken down is because if I go to, I get the 'Apache is functioning normally' message and I saw that was happening with someone that had been taken down for inactivity.
  3. sagekozu

    Resolved Site Down Error 522

    I believe my site was taken down because of inactivity. Is there a way to get it back up and running? *edit: I do see the main cloudflare issue and have followed the thread, but I do believe my site is down from inactivity as well.