This is the error that I am getting after following your advice:
file_get_contents(): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Does this mean that the third-party website that I am trying to access has blocked this type of requests?
PHP file_get_contents() is no longer working... It does work in my XAMPP environment but not in the website... Have you changed something recently because of migrations or is this a new rule for free hosting?
Your first suggestion fixed my problem... Thank you very much... :)
Regarding the "scripts settings" I do not know what you mean... Are those the PHPMailer settings, maybe...?
I have always had a Password entry in my script; I just have not added it to my post. I just wanted to show which e-mail and port I am using. My script worked before but now it does not work. I would like to know which is the reason, because it does not seem related to my script. I have checked...
I have tested my PHPMailer script from my XAMPP virtual server and it has worked fine, but when I run the same script from the X10 server I get the SMTP connect() failed error...
I am using these settings:
$mail->Host = "";
$mail->Port = "25";
The only unlimited thing that is free is DEATH...
Now, I want to know what "unmetered" means exactly... if our initially 500 MB website expands to 10 GB suddenly what would happen? Would it be deleted ipso facto or we would receive an "invitation" to upgrade it?