Recent content by sanjosepimpdaddy39

  1. S

    JSP help

    Hi, I need to do a project for school where I have to install tomcat and create a JSP website. The goal is to use google API's to create a "webapp" that will give you a list of businesses that are around you(address you enter). We have to use Java. I want to know If I can install tomcat and...
  2. S

    javaScript Inteference

    Hi guys, I am creating an html, css website. I decided to add a picture zoom in gallery. This is the one I am using; Now I've been trying to add another javaScript code that pops up a video. For this I'm using VideoLightBox. Is there a way to fix...
  3. S

    Hi Katie. Sorry I haven't checked the forums. I wanted to see your php app. I'm not sure if you...

    Hi Katie. Sorry I haven't checked the forums. I wanted to see your php app. I'm not sure if you remember me.
  4. S

    Hi everyone! I'm Katie

    hello Katie. I am also a student majoring in Software Engineering. I'd love to see your app. It sounds cool. message me here for info. Thanks.