Recent content by seanliu

  1. S

    my account is gone!!

    i got this when i tried to log in An Error Has Occurred Although you've logged in successfully, there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system. Please post on our forums to seek support on this issue. cPanel Username: seanliu Domain:
  2. S

    my account is gone!!

    my account seems to have been deleted. i have not received any warnings and my site is my personal site and not illegal in any way. please help, i'm hosting my portfolio there url:
  3. S

    How to delete multiple MySQL rows...?

    i think you have to specify the row(s) to be deleted using the "where" command $delete = mysql_query("DELETE FROM slaves WHERE id>$randomdel"); or something like that
  4. S

    Php Authentication

    try .htaccess if you don't mind not using php google it
  5. S

    problems changing from sub-domain to doamin name

    i'm still getting the error Whm error: account package id no longer exists in the panel. (code modifydomain_1) the steps i took is as follows: 1. log in to account management panel 2. check the "Check if using your own domain name" box 3. enter my domain name 4. click...
  6. S

    problems changing from sub-domain to doamin name

    my account name is seanliu i currently have the sub-domain name registered and I wish to change it to but I keep getting this error when I try to change it in the account panel Whm error: account package id no longer exists in the panel. (code...