Recent content by smashcr3

  1. S

    Recover Database

    I tried this today, and the page appear to hangs. Any ideas?
  2. S

    Recover Database

    I believe I accidently deleted a database in which I needed. Is there any way to recover this?
  3. S

    Connection Problems

    The error is gone now, thanks! But my entire website just went down!! (this was after I noticed it was up and running) It's showing up as 'the webpage is now available'. -- Update: It's back up now!
  4. S

    Connection Problems

    So, I have looked into several threads of how to deal with this issue, but I still can't solve it in this case. My forums are getting this error message: I have already tried the repair_settings.php file. At first this solution seems to work, but as soon as I remove the file from the file...
  5. S

    Unable to connect

    Even with the current outrage considered, the servers seem to go down randomly at other times.
  6. S

    Unable to connect

    Every once in awhile I get this too. It seems that the servers are unreliable?