Recent content by soul_669

  1. soul_669

    I have no idea as to what is going on?

    Major account troubles I just recently when to check my emails from my website and it says it could not connect so i thought i might have changed my password and for got to update it, then i changed it through my cpanel and was unable to change my password because of some error (i cannot...
  2. soul_669

    500 internal server error

    do i need to check these files: attachments avatars Packages Packages/installed.list Smileys Themes Themes/default/languages/Install.english.php agreement.txt Settings.php Settings_bak.php install.php or other files. Edit: Much appreciate for you help guys my site know seems to be working...
  3. soul_669

    500 internal server error

    I searched for mod_security on your site and removed the current htaccess file and placed this in, <IfModule mod_security.c> # Turn off mod_security filtering. SMF is a big boy, it doesn't need its hands held. SecFilterEngine Off # The below probably isn't needed, but better safe than...
  4. soul_669

    500 internal server error

    ok. how can see if my htaccess are functioning properly
  5. soul_669

    500 internal server error

    I'm just wondering why this needs to be under Scripts & 3rd Party Apps when its an internal error? I have also just testing this on another hosting company and it is working perfectly fine.
  6. soul_669

    Game movies

    I think they did a reasonable job on the resident evil movies except for the cloning and the psychic powers. I reckon it would be good to see a devil may cry movie as long as they get a decent director and script witter.
  7. soul_669

    500 internal server error

    I have SMF forums installed on my site and it was working perfectly until about 5 minutes ago know when ever i try to do some thing that makes a save to the database such as posting or changing an avatar i get the error as displayed in the attachment. i have also included a screen cap the server...
  8. soul_669

    Get "" domain to work with your x10hosting account.

    The problem has been resolved, it was a problem on their end as the dns name was recorded as a phishing scam, but has know been removed. Although I have another problem know the works but when I access my forums it states that the url is i have gone into the...
  9. soul_669

    problems with smf

    ok I have just installed the package from and have installed it properly but every so often I get a white page and I have to keep hitting F5 to refresh the page just to load it up. The theme I'm currently using is the default one. My web site is...
  10. soul_669

    Get "" domain to work with your x10hosting account.

    well here are my screenshots. From my cpanels parked domains From my account I hope someone can see a fault. also I had tried to edit the name server but after I apply it, the information does not change.
  11. soul_669

    Get "" domain to work with your x10hosting account.

    yep I have done all that but for some reason it wont work.
  12. soul_669

    Get "" domain to work with your x10hosting account.

    yes I have added it to the cpanel with out "www" in front of it. did I need to fill in the redirects to section of it or does it do it automatically. If needed I can post some sceenshots what i have filled in, in each section?
  13. soul_669

    Get "" domain to work with your x10hosting account.

    Is the DNS the same if my address uses the that is provided with x10 hosting or is it different. because I have tried signing up for this just over 5 days know and it is not working. Thank you
  14. soul_669

    shoutbox help

    ok, thank you
  15. soul_669

    shoutbox help

    its not a problem, that site seems very useful. thank you thank you for those links. what kind of program do i need for Ajax.