Recent content by stanpotts

  1. S

    Suspension for 'no site'

    I recently got suspended for not having a meaningful 'index.php' I am currently attempting to put together a database of music for a band I am playing in, and I am therefore trying to finalise the MySQL database and site layouts on a home server so I can upload all files over to the X10 Hosting...
  2. S

    What's your favorite (free) FTP Client?

    I enjoy using the built in FTP client in Nautilus (on Ubuntu). It lets me mount my FTP folder as if a standard network share - so I can edit files directly on the server, saving time downloading + uploading. Of course, I won't have a new backup, and if the server goes down when im writing to...
  3. S

    Free Hosting Uptime

    I've been trying a few free hosting sites over the past few weeks, and x10 is the best one i've found so far, no downtime that I have come across. My site has been responsive (well, there's not much of it), and MySQL requests are very quick to complete. I'm very pleased so far - keep up the...