Recent content by stempla2

  1. stempla2

    Site is gone HELP!!

    Today I upgraded to x10 premium. After upgrading, I noticed one of my features wasn't working, so I backed up my entire site through Filezilla, then replaced everything with an older backup. Upon looking at my site afterwards, I discovered all my images and SWFs at been replaced with empty...
  2. stempla2

    File upload limit

    So lately on my flash portal, I've been having some issues uploading files to the site. I tried using the portal's built in system to download games to the site, but I noticed all of the larger files were simply replaced with a blank SWF. I tried to re-upload the same files through an FTP with...
  3. stempla2

    MLP Thread

    It's definitely one of the better cartoons of this generation, although it doesn't really compare to shows like Gravity Falls or Steven Universe which have a continuous story as a much stronger presence. These days I mostly just watch for the fan content and so forth. :)
  4. stempla2

    AQW does rock :3

    AQW does rock :3
  5. stempla2

    Files becoming blank when edited or uploaded

    Yes. What was odd about the host upload to me was the fact the where the file size should of been, it just said 'unknown'.
  6. stempla2

    Files becoming blank when edited or uploaded

    Hi, all. I've been having this weird issue with x10hosting. Whenever I upload or even edit a document, it becomes completely blank. It doesn't matter what ftp/file manager I'm using, or what I upload, the file will become blank when it reaches the server. So far I've tried uploading a .php...
  7. stempla2

    File uploads aren't working

    So, I was just going to edit some files on my site, so I opened up the file manager. After editing a php file and saving, I was surprised to find that the corresponding page was blank. I reloaded the file, and found that it was blank as well. Concluding that this must be a problem with the file...