Recent content by talk2azs

  1. T

    Why is X10hosting blocking my IP address while I am working on my website?

    Thanks. I have not had any issues lately. It sounds like it may have been on X10Hosting backend, which appears to be resolved now. Thanks again.
  2. T

    Drive space still showing as 472.52MB used.

    Hi Eric, Thanks so much for your help. It's truly appreciated.
  3. T

    Drive space still showing as 472.52MB used.

    So this morning I found another 200+MB log file. This August file did not show as an existing file yesterday. I deleted the August file today, and now my used drive space is showing as 335MB used. But yesterday, when I posted this thread, there was a July file that was over 150MB. I deleted that...
  4. T

    Why is X10hosting blocking my IP address while I am working on my website?

    I have used my phone using cell data when the issue is happening. My phone has no problems getting to my website, but when using wifi at home on both a laptop and PC, the issue is happening. But I am able to get to all other websites with no problems. This means that my home Internet is working...
  5. T

    Drive space still showing as 472.52MB used.

    I posted a thread earlier this week about my drive space running very low. I was told the log files were taking too much space. So I went ahead and backed them up and then deleted them. Eventually my drive used space went back down to 327MB. Come today I see that my used drive space is back up...
  6. T

    IP blocked?

    Wish I knew also. LOL. I guess we will have to wait until an admin reads our threads. Hopefully they can get this repaired soon.
  7. T

    Why is X10hosting blocking my IP address while I am working on my website?

    I am still having occasional IP address blocking from It appears others are having issues with their sites also. When I do get blocked, I am still able to get into my site just fine on my mobile device. So this is definitely an IP blocking issue!
  8. T

    IP blocked?

    Are you on server X13? I am still having occasional IP address blocking on my end also. I am unable to access my website, unable to use Filezilla. But if I use my cell phone, all seems to work fine. So it is definitely an IP address block. But it seems to be only temporary. It makes no sense to...
  9. T

    Why is X10hosting blocking my IP address while I am working on my website?

    After doing some research, it most likely appears my IP was blocked right after I entered a wrong password into my account. My current fill IP address is Why did the servers block my IP address after only 2 wrong password attempts? Please unblock as soon as you can. Thanks
  10. T

    Why is X10hosting blocking my IP address while I am working on my website?

    It appears that the X10 servers are blocking my IP address. My ip address is currently ??.??.55.203. I can access my site on my cell using the mobile assigned IP address.
  11. T

    Why is my control panel showing that I have 554MB when I only have 316MB in my public_html folder?

    I just found them. I will go ahead and back the, up and remove them from the x10 server.
  12. T

    Why is my control panel showing that I have 554MB when I only have 316MB in my public_html folder?

    Where are the logs located. Can I remove them? If you have to remove them, please do. Thanks
  13. T

    Why is my control panel showing that I have 554MB when I only have 316MB in my public_html folder?

    I had only 327MB used last week and have only uploaded less than 1MB since then. I just did a full backup of my and found I only have 316MB in my public_html folder. I really try hard to keep my data well under 500MB. Why did my disk usage go up so fast when I did not...
  14. T

    HELP!!! is not working! When accessing, all anyone gets is 404 "File Not Found"

    Please close this request. I accidentally dragged an important folder to another one inside FileZilla. All is working again.