Recent content by tctblogp

  1. T

    My Wordpress Website Is No Longer Working?

    My wordpress website ran the update to 4.4.2 just fine without any problems after fixing the load.php file. Hopefully, nothing else goes wrong.
  2. T

    My Wordpress Website Is No Longer Working?

    I was using 4.4.1 before the crash had occurred according to my Wordpress dashboard. But now at the top of the Dashboard page after logging in, I see both of these: "Wordpress 4.4.2 is available! Please update now." "An automated WordPress update has failed to complete - please attempt the...
  3. T

    My Wordpress Website Is No Longer Working?

    Thanks Dead-i. I did just that, restoring a fresh copy of load.php, and that looks like it worked perfectly. My Wordpress website is now back and working again. If there are any more problems, i'll report back.
  4. T

    My Wordpress Website Is No Longer Working?

    Hello x10hosting community, I recently found out today that the Wordpress Installation that I have on my account, which I had working fine for about a year or so, has stopped working apparently. I am not sure if this is temporary, or if something actually messed up. If I go to my domain that...
  5. T


    x10hosting has a whitelist and blacklist of acceptable countries that can use the x10hosting free hosting service. Your notice said that you registered your account in Spain, and Spain is in the whitelist, while Belgium is not. For more info, please take a look at...
  6. T

    Account Upgrade Page Broken

    Nope, clicking on the learn more button on the prime or illuminated packages takes you to that blank upgrade page...
  7. T

    Account Upgrade Page Broken

    Hi x10, I found a bug, maybe this had happened due to the new login page setup, not sure about that. When I try to access the upgrade page on my account at I get a blank page, with nothing on it. This happens on all internet browsers I try on, not sure if this...
  8. T domain down

    For now you can use it works with .tk Your login on should work with freenom.
  9. T

    Quick Question

    Do chat scripts also count as not allowed in x10hosting's free hosting terms of service as I can see that bots and scripts are listed? I just wanted to know, so that I can be aware of this. Thank you.