Recent content by user987

  1. U

    PHP sessions problem

    Issue solved by creating own session system.
  2. U

    PHP sessions problem

    I understand that, but sometimes sessions are erased within minutes or seconds from the time they were created. For example, right after logging in, some users are taken back to the login page because the session no longer exists or is not "seen" by the script. In some cases, refreshing the page...
  3. U

    PHP sessions problem

    Since the servers migration, I've been noticing an intermittent problem regarding PHP sessions. Once in a while, a session assigned to a user who's just logged in is randomly erased or stops being recognized, which forces the user to log in again. I've come across a few threads relating to this...
  4. U

    problem creating addon domain

    Problem still occurs...
  5. U

    problem creating addon domain

    I set up a domain on with nameservers and However, when I try to add it on cPanel, I get the following error: There was a problem creating the addondomain. Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs...
  6. U

    account suspended due to unsupported language

    According to the suspension report, my account has been suspended due to a violation in the terms of service under the code 62759EEAEEB6. The reason to the suspension was the unsupported language. As I wasn't aware of this restriction, I would really appreciate if my account was unsuspended...
  7. U

    account suspension

    According to the suspension report, my account has been suspended due to a violation in the terms of service under the code 62759EEAEEB6. I would like to know the exact cause of my suspension and if I could be unsuspended in order to fix it, as I really appreciate the services provided by...
  8. U

    Problem sending e-mails

    Whenever I try to send an e-mail I get the following error: Message not sent. Server replied: Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable 550 Verification failed for <> No Such User Here Sender verify failed Is there a way to fix this?
  9. U

    MySQL error - can't create/write to file

    same issue here I'm getting the same error... Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_ecc3116b8cda1cb29a83567ade1d310f, O_RDWR) failed: Read-only file system (30)
  10. U

    php mail function

    Is it possible to change the default e-mail account which is used by php's mail function? Some webmails are flagging the e-mails sent by my website as spam and I think the problem is the server the messages come from ( Thanks.