Recent content by weatherbuff

  1. W

    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account.

    Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account. cPanel username:stmark95 ( X ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover...
  2. W

    No Cpanel access

    Ok, I appreciate the feedback. I think at this point it is necessary to delete my information from my account and close all support tickets. Weatherbuff
  3. W

    No Cpanel access

    Cannot access account panel to view ticket
  4. W

    No Cpanel access

    I have had an open ticket for several weeks now for web site access issues. Now no access to cpanel, displays: invalid email address/ password ....What??? Web address: Username: stmark95 Maybe my account was lost during the move ??? Please provide some feedback...
  5. W

    Please help - No access to web site - Feedback needed

    I'm still have no access to my web site Cpanel account Username: stmark95 Any help would be appreciated, account id MMP1012354. Thank you Weatherbuff.
  6. W

    No web site access or access to c panel

    Greetings, I still not able to access my web site or access my c panel account. My web page address If i'm correct, I use to be on the lotus server, not sure though. Any help or information would be appreciated. Thanks! Weatherbuff
  7. W


    Re: Support, still no access to web site or control panel Please help, I can not log into my Cpanel account or access my web site. My web page address: Weatherbuff
  8. W

    web site down as of Sunday April 4th

    Greetings, I'm still not able to access my web and aware of the server migration in progress. My account ID MMP1012354. Account user: weatherbuff. I think my old server was lotus. Do you have any information when I may have access? I have been keeping up with...