Recent content by webgarden

  1. W

    MySQL looks down HELP

    My site is down (ad free cossacks) Can't load/start MySQL from cPanel br J
  2. W

    Joomla installation - SEF

    I installed the SEF Advanced component for better SEO results with Joomla. The installation of the component was succesfull. The links (URLS) are shown correctly, but they don't work. For every link I'm getting redirected to xhosting pages My installation is in public_html/joomla Any one...
  3. W


    Does x10hosting have an affiliate program, so we can add X10 ads to our sites? Some hassel with the setup...but so far please with free hosting. PS: If you register there is a PHP message. Good idea.I would do the same regarding the available directories for download (public-html) br Johan
  4. W

    server down

    Is the server down? http://webgarden.x10hsoting.Com is not available br j
  5. W

    hosting doesn't work

    I tried to download Joomla and template. You have to sit in front of your pc to keep the FTP the download stops at random. After we had the patience to just doesnt work If I bring in the URL: I receive a page with a lot of...