Recent content by welch

  1. welch

    Please review, looking for any kind of feedback

    It does load in a new window... ??? And I'm not trying to make the logo stand out to much trying to get viewers to focus on the content, I'm not sure if it's effective but that's how it's designed.
  2. welch

    Please review, looking for any kind of feedback

    I'm only going to use my own code. If there's a vulnerability in someone else's created script I'd hate myself for what comes out of it. Anyways, I've changed the News articles in a way that they should be more organized and readable. The Menu items now have a dark shaded gray background when...
  3. welch

    Please review, looking for any kind of feedback

    the x10 server was prolly down. the free server's apache daemon goes down a lot I've noticed. not anything I can do about it
  4. welch

    Please review, looking for any kind of feedback

    It's been played on a bunch of rock stations in Texas actually. Only successful song I've made thus far considering.
  5. welch

    Please review, looking for any kind of feedback

    alrighty I changed up the colors a lot with the navigation and logo and added a mirroring effect. It should be a lot better now. EDIT: The navigation/menu only looks right in Mozilla, because I checked it in I.E. and it loads the menu background that should only happen if it's being hovered...
  6. welch

    Please review, looking for any kind of feedback

    I've changed the logo to where there's no overlay or background, think it should be a little more in place now. If not please let me know! Trying to add in a little purple to have the college school colors in it a little bit.
  7. welch

    Please review, looking for any kind of feedback

    Changed the logo / menu item colors a bit and the transparency. Thanks! Should look a lot better now.
  8. welch

    Please review, looking for any kind of feedback

    The Studio 205 web site is intended for prospective artists or game developers or whatever to listen to some samples and perhaps choose to hire me to make some tracks for them. When I finalize it I plan on getting an Ad-Free plan for better server up-time and...
  9. welch

    Password one way encryption.

    $encryptedvalue = md5($whatever_you_want_to_encrypt); that makes a 32 bit one way hash
  10. welch

    Post your specs

    DELL Studio 1735 Laptop 4 GB DDR2 RAM Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 @ 2.10 GHz 32-bit Windows Vista SP1 M-AUDIO FastTrack Pro USB Audio Interface ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650
  11. welch

    Master Disc has some good stuff but if you want those tools on a boot disk it shouldn't be hard to install them yourself and then make an ISO of the system.
  12. welch

    open source tools

    I'd say shell scripting is open source since the operating system is lol. But yea python ruby perl php java for the most part is open source if my google search is correct That's what comes off the top of my head and a quick little google search.
  13. welch

    Could x10 upgrade PHP to 5.3?

    ahhh I see. My mistake! I had thought it to be a final release to be documented so quickly! Thanks for the review of my issue though this has been more helpful than I thought it would be. I'll definitely hang around and try to help people out on the forums.
  14. welch

    those php work in offline?????

    It may be my lack of understanding, but I believe these are very vague terms you're using. Just suggesting that you might specify more exactly what you mean since I'm sorry but I don't understand exactly what you're asking.
  15. welch

    Could x10 upgrade PHP to 5.3?

    Even though this particular function still will not work as desired, I have since replaced this with the strpos() function to check for an occurrence of "http://" and check if the value is not false. However, a lot of updates have been done in version 5.3.x so I'd still recommend the update if...