Recent content by xenth

  1. xenth

    Show Your Website !

    Hello ! First of all, I'm sorry if there already was a topic regarding this (I've took a quick look around and didn't find anything). This is my idea, let's play a little game while showing our websites. These are the 'rules': - Everyone posts his website link ONCE. - After his link, he's...
  2. xenth

    Can't change account password

    Hello, I've tried to change my password in the admin panel, i was redirected to a page saying my password was changed to "**newpass**" but i still have to use the old password to login (which is generated and hard to remember)
  3. xenth

    I think my ip got blocked

    I was downloading wordpress through FTP and suddenly, i got a timeout. I tried the website and i got a timeout as well. Then I tried my website from another PC (with a different IP) and it was working. Tried downloading the WP again and there I was blocked again. Is there a script or something...
  4. xenth

    Possible to use a custom subdomain?

    Hello. I noticed that * is banned from posting on digg. Can I point a subdomain to Stoli's IP address and use that as my account's subdomain? It's just a matter of basic apache virtualhosting. Thanks!