Search results

  1. Neurosylum

    "An Error has Occured" and Apache Success page

    Oh! So that's what it's about? Okay, problem solved. :)
  2. Neurosylum

    "An Error has Occured" and Apache Success page

    An Error Has Occurred Although you've logged in successfully, there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system. Please post on our forums to seek support on this issue. Hi admins. I got this message when trying to log into my account on...
  3. Neurosylum

    review my website

    I have to agree. Don't use Comic Sans for a font. It ruins the whole feel to the page, especially when it's all in caps. For example, change the font for the quote in the index page, and try to use normal capitalization rules. If you want it to stand out, you could simply make it bold and italic.
  4. Neurosylum

    Is my site working for you?

    Whoa, thanks for the stats Smith6612. :) I appreciate you taking a look. That's great news. I'm going to advise everyone now to clear their cache and flush their DNS. Thanks for stopping by. :)
  5. Neurosylum

    Review My site please

    Disclaimer: Please don't take this personally. Your page was almost like a blank canvas. Even a little bit of color would do wonders to a site. You could even just use more gray or something. The banner with your name could use a picture. I just quickly searched for one from...
  6. Neurosylum

    With lots of love review my site

    Disclaimer: Please don't take this personally. The repeating background really looks awful. Why does it look bad? You have a small complete picture that doesn't cover the page. Here's a tip: either use a solid background or a tiling pattern for the background. You could also add a bigger...
  7. Neurosylum

    Is my site working for you?

    Thanks. I was concerned about the layout, for the most part, and I'm still trying to put pages together. Anyways, thanks for visiting. :) Awesome. Thanks Luke, I'll keep that in mind and send them to your tutorial. :) Thanks for taking a look at it. It's been a pain trying to put content...
  8. Neurosylum

    Is my site working for you?

    Damn. Thanks for telling me.
  9. Neurosylum

    Is my site working for you?

    Hey guys. I know some of you had problems with my site in the past about that dreaded "Domain Available" page. If you actually see the real page, tell me what you think about it. It's just a website for a small graphic artist, so tell me what you think about the design and layout. I've gotten...
  10. Neurosylum

    Free Hosting Support Forum

    Hey kkenny, I clicked on Submit Ticket and I clicked on Help Center on the top of the page, but nothing happens except that it takes me to the front page of the forums. I'm confused... My site says "Domain Available". Do I always have to expect my domain to keep doing this?
  11. Neurosylum

    new ideas are a must!

    Banners of explosion would do nicely. :)
  12. Neurosylum


    So, how long was this in the making? Because your hard work really paid off. :)
  13. Neurosylum

    New x10 forum look

    Didn't know where else to put this, but damn the whole forums got a whole new makeover. Looks good.
  14. Neurosylum

    Hi please review my website e-vitation

    That's really cute and very innovative. A whole lot better than ecards. XD Hopefully when he becomes older and starts to get into computers, he'll get his inspiration from you. :)
  15. Neurosylum

    What Do I need to change

    First thing, your links are kind of weird. This is what it says: Also, I can't suggest anything for your main site since I'm only seeing Grande colors and a "could not find" page. Anyways, on to the forum. It looks pretty generic...
  16. Neurosylum

    Which Layout do You Prefer?

    Okay, I drastically changed the colors once again. If you can't see the site, please please tell me, and if you can, post a screenshot. Thanks a bunch. :)
  17. Neurosylum

    So what do you guys think of my design?

    I really love the flash banner. It gets to show off what you're capable of. However, I'm not too keen on the border surrounding it. I think you were going for an icy look, but the edges are really pixelated. Maybe under the news title bar, you can put a blue background color for the text where...
  18. Neurosylum

    Review My Site

    All I get is this: However, if you do get back up and running I'll post a response. :)
  19. Neurosylum

    Domain not available to some...

    Thank you very much staff. Topic closed. :)
  20. Neurosylum

    Favicon Poll

    Gotta go with the flow. Icon 1 looks better.