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  1. Flashgear

    Hey guys, I haven't been on x10 in a while, and just wondered what you guys think of my site, i opened it about 2years ago now and its doing quite well.
  2. Flashgear

    Paid posting - 180k+ forum

    I'm going to be changing the default theme, not too sure what you mean by hard on the eyes though, looks fine too me?
  3. Flashgear

    not connected databases.

    Hey, Did it work when you first installed the phpbb, or did it suddenly just stop working?
  4. Flashgear

    Lost faith in x10hosting

    Put it this way, put you're account back down to x10 free then you'll see, this thread isn't about the x10paid is it. so what you've said is rather irrelevant ramblings. I'm not here to flame x10 for there hosting, yes its free as i said, but i wouldn't use free hosting if things kept going...
  5. Flashgear

    Paid posting - 180k+ forum

    Hey, I'm looking to get a bit more activity on my forum i just bought, it already has alot of active members that post also. I just want a quick surge of new posts. Well anyway, the domain is If you'd like to take me up on this offer, reply here with the username you...
  6. Flashgear

    Lost faith in x10hosting

    The free hosting issues have been going on for years, i found it unbareable with the free hosting, yeah it's free, but when i could finally get paid hosting, i didn't bother with x10 because i thought it would be the same.
  7. Flashgear

    Link Exchange -

    Hey, Looking for link exchange with my site, , we've been open about a month now and here are our stats. Threads 419 Posts 3,253 Members 84 Also looking to do some post exchange is anyones intrested.
  8. Flashgear

    Review, Review, Review

    I did put this site up ages ago for a review i think, but everything has been changed now, c&c please. Were also looking for staff, benefits include, free hosting & a free .com domain.
  9. Flashgear

    FREE - Pre-made Logo's

    Try following the graphic rules eh Edit: Another 2 logo's added, and a preview webpage of them all.
  10. Flashgear

    FREE - Pre-made Logo's

    I've had them made, not by my design team :) These logo's don't have a black background, they are just transparent, and will show any colour in the background :)
  11. Flashgear

    FREE - Pre-made Logo's

    PREMADE LOGO'S View Logo's My forum has recently started doing free pre-made logo's, some previews are below. If you want to request a free pre-made logo, you'll need to first register at my board, then request HERE We also do FREE graphic requests , with turn around being 3-5 days...
  12. Flashgear

    Link Exchange For a Technology website - We are a graphics design community who do affilate(link exchange) with mostly any-board, if you're interested..
  13. Flashgear

    Graphic Design -

    Yeah because i'd actually use x10 to host a vbulletin forum ;) Paid hosting bud, also a new logo has been added c&c is greatly appericated As for it being a common designed, it has only been purchased legally 34 times, the rest are ripped/edited older versions.
  14. Flashgear

    Looking to do paid posting.

    rates? i'm doing $10 for 100 posts over at my design forum. if interested shoot me a PM over there, if not no worries, i'm looking for like 4 people. Don't PM me here, i don't come on too often.
  15. Flashgear

    Free .com domain & Pro Template

    Hmm what?
  16. Flashgear

    Graphic Design -

    Thanks for you're comments
  17. Flashgear

    Free .com domain & Pro Template

    I've bought this theme & i no longer want it, I was going to be using it for another site i wanted to setup, but i'm going to be giving it away for free on my forums, all that is required are 50 posts(easily gotten by posting in the chillzone) and why you think you should have the template. You...
  18. Flashgear

    Graphic Design -

    Thanks for you're comments, i'll look into the fixed width.
  19. Flashgear

    The truth about .tk

    Do you have too link back with .tk? if you didnt that might by why..
  20. Flashgear

    Graphic Design -

    Could you review my forum please, any criticism will be taken on board. we prove free graphic requests (when registering on the board, free forum graphics, a design forum basically. Thanks for you're time, giving 50 points for a review that is constructive. Edit: Added 50points for a review.