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  1. Aquarius

    Procrastination can be your _WORST_ enemy

    BACKUP! BACKUP! BACKUP! I think it's written on the bible.. "People who wish to submit their 8 months worth of application design and coding in the 12th hour loses the data at 11:30."
  2. Aquarius

    Firefox 3.1 Beta

    Firefox is a really good browser. I use firefox mainly if I want to use the plugins for blogging, etc. I know that firefox sometimes really sucks out all the memory resources from my PC. So for general web surfing, I use Opera and Firefox for work-related activities. I seldom use the built-in...
  3. Aquarius

    What Antivirus do you prefere??

    Avast all the way!
  4. Aquarius

    Any suggestions on how to improve my site?

    Joomla looks nice, the newer version looks better though.
  5. Aquarius

    What do you like about Linux?

    I like learning Linux using VMWare...I like running Puppy Linux because it is very light and you have all the tools you need in just one light package.
  6. Aquarius

    End of internet as we know it 2012?

    Wow, I thought 2012 was the end of the world...But the end of the internet? now that's too much...
  7. Aquarius

    WHich is the best Antivirus

    Well I use Avast, and then I also run ZoneAlarm for my firewall and Ad-aware to keep off those malware.