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  1. O

    crontab jobs not running

    Still no cron jobs running. I reset one that runs every day with no success. Did they change something? (php path ).
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    crontab jobs not running

    Hello, Thanks to x10Hosting for the move of the servers. Now my server - Chopin is working perfectly, with the exception of the crontab jobs. They were working well until about 3 weeks ago. Now they don't run. I have changed nothing in the definition of the jobs, nor in the php programs that...
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    my server is down for more than 5 days

    Hello there, I have been unable to use my website for more than 5 days. A month ago my server was it seems as if it is Chopin. I look my account and it is not suspended, nor any news that either starka or chopin are down. My crontab job thas is supposed to run every day, is...
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    crontab not working

    to Descalzo: I am on starka. But the crontab part works. Sometimes I get an email. I think the problem is the path to the php interpreter. I am not ready to give up yet. If I get that to work I will post the solution.
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    crontab not working

    Justin: I have tried php /public_html/balances.php and nothing happened.
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    crontab not working

    to Justin: the program balances.php runs perfectly from the browser. Also it was running in another server's crontab. I actually was running 4 programs at different times during the month. balances.php is supposed to run once every day. to dmoneyman: I tried: php balances.php and nothing...
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    crontab not working

    Thanks for your response. I have tried the two options. php does nothing, not even email an error message. php -q does the same. I think I read somewhere that the option -q is quiet, so no email is sent. the permissions of the balances file are 755. I have also tried: /usr/local/bin/php...
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    crontab not working

    I have recently gotten a free website, and everything is working perfectly, except the crontab jobs. I have tried different solutions found in this forum, with no success. In crontab jobs I have entered the comand: php-cron /home/orgutz/public_html/balances.php and I receive an email telling me...