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  1. E

    Tribal Wars

    Anyone here plays Tribal Wars?
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    Hey guys, There is a business-related game called Kapilands. Anyone here play it? If you dont, worry not...Here is a brief description of the game! Kapiland is a browser based economy simulation. So it can be played from every computer with internet access. Downloads or plugins are not...
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    Server Down?

    At around: Monday, 12 November 2007 23:04:27 / 11:04:27 p.m. GMT time Neither my CPanel or my website it self were not being opened on ym broswer. It said the server wasn't respond. When I checked on my x10hosting account panel: My account was unsuspended and according to it....the servers...
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    How Do Crons work??

    I will be using crons. But how you you set them up?? What kind of command do you give it?? Command in what language?? Please tell me everything I need to know about crons Thanks for your help
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    I dont know where this post hsould I put it in off-topic What is the use of credits/points??
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    Who Do You Think Will Win The Next FIFA World Cup??

    Post your guesses on who you think will win the next FIFA World Cup in 2010?? My guess: Brazil (they would want to show their dominating power again) Hopefully it will be an awesome final against Italy and Brazil where Brazil takes back what was theirs: The FIFA World Cup What do you think...
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    eval() in php

    I tried to open my website and I got this error...any idea about how to fix it?? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fatal error: SUHOSIN - Use of eval is forbidden by configuration in...
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    Bad Request! Help please...

    My site was working well...and when I refreshed it it says: Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/1.3.39 Server at...
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    GD2 Library

    is gd2 enabled in x10hosting?? coz my code that needs gd2 doesnt work... (no,this is not related to my earlier all) Thanks
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    i have an apache server at home...when i try to view my website, it works... i used the SAME files, SAME db and tables, SAME mysql user...SAME everything... But it loads for sometime and says DONE in the status bar...but there is nothing cant view any part of the website... it...
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    MYSQL problems

    I try to access the mysql db through my PHP page but this is what i get... Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user '****'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/********/public_html/functions.php on line 14 Could not connect: Access denied for user...
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    Kapilands - An excellent business game! Try it NOW!

    Kapilands is a cool business-related MMO game. It's actually a browser based economy simulation. In kapilands: You can build your own company with over 40 different buildings and raise it to a business empire. You can do cattle breeding, high tech business, agriculture or become a fashion...
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    Forums nessecary for hosting??

    Why are the forums nessecary for the hosting??