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  1. knightbob

    MySql database gone

    Hello, I'am going to upgrade me forum from IPB 1.3 to php 3.0.7PL1, but when I go to the MySql page in cPanel are all me mysql database gone. When I try to install it does phpBB say this: But me old IPB 1.3 instalation does still run fine. I created an the database board with the MySql...
  2. knightbob

    Important Poll

    Maybe an serperated server wich runs Frontpage and ASP.NET? That it is possible to select on the sign-up page if you use Frontpage and/ore ASP.NET.
  3. knightbob

    Do frontpage extensions currently work?

    Why even use Frontpage, since it old and unsupported. A lot user do use Dream Weaver now, wich is an way better.
  4. knightbob

    Important Poll

    Why dont you not remove it? Since frontpage is realy old, today everybody uses Dream Weaver ore Joomla ore an other CMS.
  5. knightbob

    500 Internal Server Error

    The problem is already fixed, I created an new thread. My cPanel account is: vipermod.
  6. knightbob

    500 Internal Server Error

    I dont use the htacces file, must I then edit it?
  7. knightbob

    500 Internal Server Error

    1. I whill try this 2. I dont have got such file.
  8. knightbob

    500 Internal Server Error

    This mornig did I only get this error when I acces FTP ore cPanel, now does the hole site not work anymore. This is the message: Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server...
  9. knightbob

    Do frontpage extensions currently work?

    Yes it is, wich is even hard to get these days, but I like frontpage more
  10. knightbob

    Important Poll

    I did used FP before, but I did upload the website be me self, bicose I dint believe in the FP extension, and I also never use ASP.NET, so I vote remove.