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  1. purpleflame

    Sending an email with python

    Looks like the issue with not putting the shebang at the very beginning was the issue. So now I am trying to use subprocess instead of os, but it tells me: 'file' object has no attribute 'communicate'I went to the webpage you gave and tryed to replace the os usage with the subprocess usage...
  2. purpleflame

    Sending an email with python

    My file sampleemail.txt is in the same folder as the script. The script has permissions 755. Is that not enough? Also I have it set so that python scripts can run in the folder the script is in. I tried putting the try structure in but I get the same thing. This time the error logs show this...
  3. purpleflame

    how do I get a fixed background?

    The code snippet I found to do this is very similar, but has quotes around the image file. Here is the one I found. <style type="text/css"> body { background-image:url("IMAGEFILE/NameofImage.jpg"); background-repeat:repeat-y; background-position:top center...
  4. purpleflame

    Sending an email with python

    I thought of that possibility, but my cpanel tells me its what I put. Hence my putting it. I am on the absolut server if that helps. I tried changing it to what you wrote and trying anyway, but only had the same thing happen. Any idea the other script sends the mail, but also gives the error?
  5. purpleflame

    Sending an email with python

    I am interested in making a cron job that will send email. So to start off with I am making a script to send an email with a python script. I found a couple different ways to do this -- using sendmail and smtplib. I tried using the sendmail method with this script but I do not know where it went...
  6. purpleflame

    php date comparisons

    Thanks everyone. ^^
  7. purpleflame

    php date comparisons

    Why is the second one better? Is it faster? So I do a separate date() thing for day, month, year, hour? Thanks for the help. ^^
  8. purpleflame

    php date comparisons

    I would like to make a script that outputs a different picture based on if the date. If the date is X then I would like to make it one picture. If the date is Y then I would like to make it output a different picture and so on. Also if the date does not match any of the ones I have set then I...
  9. purpleflame

    Help with outputing a picture and text below it

    When I made other scripts that output an image, I was able to see the image just fine by having the browser goto the script's location. I had no need to make another page to display the image. Regardless, I shall be doing that in the end. So below is the link to a test webpage I made and the...
  10. purpleflame

    Help with outputing a picture and text below it

    So I am working on a dynamic signature in which I choose a random picture and display it. This I can do, however, I would also like to add some text below the picture with a transparent background that gives credit to the user the made the signature for me. It is the latter part the I am stuck...
  11. purpleflame

    Help generating a transparent png image using php

    So getting the text done is working just fine except the font does not seem to be read as well I would hope. Well the imagestring font works well until I can find a good font to use. I have another issue now. I have this picture:
  12. purpleflame

    Help generating a transparent png image using php

    Fahad, I gave all the info I knew how to get at the time. Sorry I did not know how to get more. According to xPlozion's instructions I get the additional info: I investigate and find that there is no function called imagetruecolor, but instead there is one called imagecreatetruecolor! Thanks...
  13. purpleflame

    Help generating a transparent png image using php

    Alright. So I tried to incorporate that as best as I could. However, I still get the error that it contains errors so it cannot be displayed. Thanks again. <?php header("Content-type: image/png"); $TEXT = "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"; $width = 300; $font =...
  14. purpleflame

    Help generating a transparent png image using php

    (* '.' *) Thanks for catching that. That fixed it. So I found this other function to place text called imagettftext. However, its makes the same problem. I liked this function since it lets me use a normal font like arial. However, it seems that FreeType library needs to be available to use it...
  15. purpleflame

    Help generating a transparent png image using php

    I must have messed up somehow since I tried the following code, however, the browser only showed me the message: <?php header("Content-type: image/png"); $text = "Working"; $image = imagecreatetruecolor(400,75); $bg_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127); $fg_color =...
  16. purpleflame

    Help generating a transparent png image using php

    So I am trying to use a php code to make a png image that has a transparent background with a sentence written on it. So far I have a transparent png image of the size I want and the code below. The only problem I have is that the background color comes out as black and not transparent. I am...
  17. purpleflame

    PHP GD Functions

    Hi there. I would like to know if the GD functions are available for use with PHP. I am told they can get gotten here: . I would like these so I can make the php scipt render itself as an image. Thank you.