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  1. M

    Serbia blocked?

    The same is the situation with Bulgaria. :(
  2. M

    Server Moves

    I'm in exactly the same situation as you. But in my case I don't have a backup of my databases. :frown: My website is
  3. M

    Default page appears instead of Home page

    Well, I've managed to delete the nasty SPAMMER from my website and changed the Header Logo + Text back to original ,but I found that all my database (pages,posts, artcles, comments on wordpress and phpBB3) is gone. Can the database somehow be restored or it is deleted for ever ? My website is...
  4. M

    Default page appears instead of Home page

    Hey, guys what is it happening here ? Last night my website was inaccessable. I posted in another topic. I got an 403 error and I'm on Stoli. Today when i tried to load my website this showed instead. Please look at the screenshots. Here is the link for my website...
  5. M

    Default Web Site Page and 404 Error

    I have a similar problem. This evening when I tried to open my website I got an 403 error. I'm also on Stoli. Check the screenshot
  6. M

    Wordpress problem !!!

    It's still not fixed. But I can't afford to change the host and so I'll wait so they can fix it.
  7. M

    Wordpress problem !!!

    It is still not fixed. But I'm happy that I didn't caused the ERROR.
  8. M

    Wordpress problem !!!

    Hi !!! The last few days my website which is hosted on Stoli was inaccessible and now when is back online I noticed that my wordpress blog is showing me this message Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 25165824) (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in...
  9. M

    My site is down?

    the same is with me.
  10. M

    All my Files were deleted !!

    I have the same problem. My website files are hosted on "stoli" and now they're missing .:frown:
  11. M

    Disk Space Policy Change

    Hello !!! I'm writing to you to ask you can you restore the unlimited disk space for my account. Unmetered Requirements 1. Account must be one week old - My account is 1 year and two months old 2. You must be using at least 500MB of your storage space - At the moment I'm using 810 mb 3...
  12. M

    Disk Space Policy Change

    Hello !!! I'm writing to you to ask you can you restore the unlimited disk space for my account. Unmetered Requirements 1. Account must be one week old - My account is 1 year and two months old 2. You must be using at least 500MB of your storage space - At the moment I'm using 810 mb...
  13. M

    Bulgarian Sim World League

    Hi, there !!! The BSW is making a league and it is searching for drivers, if you are interested in our league you can join. We are going to use the F1 2011 BSW mod. If you are interested you can contact us by posting in this topic