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  1. P

    Resolved website not loading

    yes my fault its working thanks for giving me direction .
  2. P

    Resolved website not loading deleted index.html uploaded index.php’s server IP address could not be found. Error is coming now.
  3. P

    Resolved website not loading

    my site not loading at giving msg to upload files in html folder ,already uploaded files
  4. P

    Hello, may I please be upgraded to unlimited disk space?

    Hello, may I please be upgraded to unlimited disk space?
  5. P

    Error establishing a database connection

    Getting Error Error establishing a database connection While accessing my word press site
  6. P

    Database MySql

    Thanks For Your Instruction Now it Is Working Excellent.:tongue:
  7. P

    Database MySql

    No there Is Problem With My account I Am Still On well as my dataBASE IS UNABLE TO CONNECT With Website .Please Check It
  8. P

    Database MySql

    its still not working........
  9. P

    Database MySql

    I assign atharv_one to the database But Still The Problem Is Same : mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user 'atharv_one'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/atharv/public_html/Connections/one.php on line 9
  10. P

    Database MySql

    I am Unable To Connect my Website To Mysql Database.. ---------- Post added at 09:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 AM ---------- my Pages Show Access denied for user 'atharv_one'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  11. P

    Illuminated upgrade.

    Sorry I will Be note it for Future..
  12. P

    Illuminated upgrade.

    I had Already Back Up my data.
  13. P

    Illuminated upgrade

    There is an offer for all affected with Illuminated upgrade.when will it be done.
  14. P

    Re Create My Account.

    Please free upgrade to Illuminated hosting.
  15. P

    Re Create My Account.

    Yes I Am Affected..Kindly Solve It....
  16. P

    Account is Affected

    My Account is Affected by the issues as announced at: Please Re Create It..
  17. P

    Re Create My Account.

    My Web Site is unavailable as well as all Data. Plz Re Create My Account.....
  18. P

    Subdomain Not Available

    My Web Site is unavailable as well as all Data.