Search results

  1. F

    Can't able to Delete my Mail ID

    I can't able to delete any e-mail ID's which was created in related to my domain. Its not showing up on the "E-mail Accounts" Panel.
  2. F

    Can't able to Delete my Mail ID

    Hi I can't able to see any of my mail ID which is running.
  3. F

    Can't able to delete my Mails ID

    Hi Everyone, I can't able to delete my current mail ID. I am using all the 3 mail and In "Email Accounts" Tab, None of the 3 mails are showing. Please help
  4. F

    Cannot able to login

    I cant able to access my CPanel since a long time. I have tried resetting password. Nothing works! Please help
  5. F

    cPanel Error

    When i'm trying to login cPanel, It responds that Failed login attempt. My ID and Passwrd is correct. Server- Starka
  6. F

    C Name and A Record

    What else i need to do ? i have already done what you said above.
  7. F

    C Name and A Record

    I need to resolve to (sitename) like dat let me know what else you need to resolve this issue! Thanks in Advance !
  8. F

    C Name and A Record

    I'm hosting my Site on Starka Server. I just pointed my website. Can you help me to edit the DNS Servers ? Step by Step Answer will be appreciated. Thanks in advance !