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  1. mohamed.salem.el.idrissi.msi14

    Two blog's in a different langages

    Hi all, I want to run tow web blogs about blogging tutorials, One in English the other in Arabic. I agree that i will post the same content but in tow different languages. Is it allowed here? :confused:
  2. mohamed.salem.el.idrissi.msi14

    Can I run an arabic website?

    Sorry, I dodn't get what you mean by this, could you be more specific?
  3. mohamed.salem.el.idrissi.msi14

    Can I run an arabic website?

    Are arabic of french websites allowed in the free host? please respond before i setup one.
  4. mohamed.salem.el.idrissi.msi14

    Which scripts are leading to account suspension

    Thanks for the help you both. Reputation added for you both.
  5. mohamed.salem.el.idrissi.msi14

    Which scripts are leading to account suspension

    Can we use Kleeja downlad center on the free host?
  6. mohamed.salem.el.idrissi.msi14

    Which scripts are leading to account suspension

    Which scripts are causing high load in the free hosting servers and leading to account suspension ---------- Post added 05-15-2011 at 09:14 AM ---------- Previous post was 05-14-2011 at 11:31 PM ---------- Up Please Help
  7. mohamed.salem.el.idrissi.msi14

    Mysql help

    It dose notwork
  8. mohamed.salem.el.idrissi.msi14

    Mysql help

    full sized picture fron here
  9. mohamed.salem.el.idrissi.msi14

    Mysql help

    Sorry for this silly question but How to know which mysql server from the cpanel define('DB_HOST', 'localhost')? ---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 PM ---------- Please help me, This either means that the username and password information in your...
  10. mohamed.salem.el.idrissi.msi14

    DNS help

    Hi, what is the dns of x10hosting? i want to update my domain info -->