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  1. J

    cron jobs

    Your are the man. After mispelling the script name I found that cron is running. After digging a bit the problem was the scrip with perms 750. After changed to 755 is running just fine. Thanks a lot. CU.
  2. J

    cron jobs

    I tried many ways, including output the results to txt like your example. The question is that nothing happens. the ouput file is just not being generated. the cron job is not being executed. looks like the crontab service is just not running.
  3. J

    cron jobs

    can\'t get my cron job running. Is the crontab service running? */15 * 1-6 * * /usr/bin/php /home/amarqujo/public_html/bolsa/rt.php
  4. J

    cron job

    I have the path for sedmail and perl, but not for php. I tried with /usr/bin/php but can't get the cron job being executed.
  5. J

    cron job

    I want to add cron job running \"php -q\". What\'s the /usr/... path for php? Thanks