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  1. R

    MIME Types question

    I would like to host a handful of Java Web Start applications in my domain but this requires the presence of a MIME type that is not typically set up on most servers. According to the Java Web Start documentation, I need to: "Configure the Web server so that all files with the .jnlp file...
  2. R

    Basic MySQL Question

    Thank you! Is there any way to get to a MySQL command prompt for my new database on x10hosting?
  3. R

    Basic MySQL Question

    How do I create tables in MySQL? I see you have MySQL here at x10hosting and I would like to use it. I'm fairly experienced with MySQL from using it in the past. I found the cPanel area for creating MySQL databases and users and that was very straightforward to use. However, I don't see any...
  4. R

    Account status

    I'm a bit confused about the status of my hosting account. I got an email that was entitled "x10Hosting Account Inactivity Suspension Warning" which indicates "At this time, your x10Hosting forum account rcresume has been inactive for 36 days." I wasn't clear from this email whether I was in...
  5. R

    How do I keep the server from altering my HTML?

    I am creating some simple web pages and I'm finding that the server alters those pages from what I wrote. And I don't mean a tiny or subtle change either! For example, I wrote a very simple web page with something very close to this: --- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"...
  6. R

    Can someone help me replace two files?

    Thank you for your help! I have created the .htaccess file with the exact contents you specified. I made a copy of smiley2.gif and called it smiley1.gif to sovle that problem. Whatever content tries to show smiley1.gif will probably show a grin where it should be showing a frown but I'm not too...
  7. R

    Please disregard!

    Please disregard. I was posting a question/problem but, in the course of composing the post, I managed to solve the problem. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a cancel option.
  8. R

    Can someone help me replace two files?

    I've inadvertently deleted two files that were there by default when I opened my hosting account yesterday. I believe that both were in the public_html directory. The first file was .htaccess and the second was smiley1.gif from the .smileys subdirectory. Can anyone help me get fresh copies of...