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  1. jfeveland49

    Is it possible?

    I want to upload a fairly large amount of graphics but I am not sure how to get them in to subdirectories. I found the Make a new folder in file manger but if I make a new folder I will have to upload the graphics 1 at a time. Is it possible to upload a whole folder from my computer to the site...
  2. jfeveland49

    Ok tried again (several times) would not accept password so I changed it. Ok did something else...

    Ok tried again (several times) would not accept password so I changed it. Ok did something else and now am a member and can log in seems to be some glitch in login procedure but I am in.
  3. jfeveland49

    Tried to join IT but things went screwy. Not sure if it is my fault or the reg, page. Liked...

    Tried to join IT but things went screwy. Not sure if it is my fault or the reg, page. Liked your like ;-)
  4. jfeveland49

    Check out my site. I'll review yours if you review mine (character battle site)

    Tried 5 times to enter site, each time rejected for bad username/password. perhaps test has been tested too much.:confused:
  5. jfeveland49

    My new site

    a waste of time yours and mine
  6. jfeveland49

    Would like some help

    I agree that the background was a bit much for what I wanted, not sure the replacement is much better, but it makes reading easy. The link code did not work out very well it kept puting the links in the message part. I finaly went another way and I did some of the font changes. I have been...
  7. jfeveland49

    Would like some help

    I have started a site but am having a few small problems The mail system does not work but that is for another post. Please give me your opinion thanks:
  8. jfeveland49

    Please review my site.

    The site is nice and the info much needed. The only problem is all that text on one page. If it were mine I would break it down into pages, and each page could be one of the chunks you already have. Each heading would make an easy to read chunk and would not be so daunting.
  9. jfeveland49

    I can not recieve email

    For some reason I am unable to recieve E-mail. I can send just fine as I have sent e-mails to a couple of my own accounts including gmail. But when an email is sent to my account here it does not arrive. I know it can sometimes take a great deal of time ( an hour or 3) but I am talking about...