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  1. M

    Another update needed...

    Actually, these images are very small png images they were originally vector images converted to png, I don't think their size is the problem, I think it's the script itself requiring that space. :dunno: Maybe if I converted them to gif format instead of png? I am going to try that right now. I...
  2. M

    Another update needed...

    Actually what I did (and had the exact same error) was I tried to upload half of the images instead of all at once. Still no good. I think it's the program itself needing the memory, but I will try uploading via the browser as an option, as opposed to directly via ftp. I will post back my...
  3. M

    Another update needed...

    Hi, I googled this one before I posted here, and it seems to be that I just need to change something in the php.ini file...Do I have access to that file from my cpanel? I am on the free hosting account This is the error I am getting: Here's the url where I found the solution: Thank you
  4. M

    Belated Hello...

    I registered yesterday, but was so busy yesterday with preparing for upload that I just didn't fill in my nmi (new member introduction) I love designing sites. But since I have very little time to do just that these days, so I am putting my artwork online for sale...You can use it for your own...
  5. M

    Apache HTTP (Offline)

    Hi, I was just wondering is this server down for Maintenance? I am not in a haste to have it running atm, but I just happened to check it, and was unable to access it. My account name is: millart Server: Error Message: Unable to connect Thank you! millart
  6. M

    Photo-Graffix Gallery Php Script...

    Sorry for the late reply, however I just did the upgrade, it says pending. I will let you know how it works once the pending has been 'lifted'. Thanks again! Edit: Thank you so much! Everything is working perfectly! I will refer your great services! Thanks again!
  7. M

    Photo-Graffix Gallery Php Script...

    Ok, I have uploaded the files into a folder called gallery in my documents root folder on After that I executed this url: ( which is the install ) from there, it says Gallery Not Installed Click Here To Install Gallery. Ok, so I click...
  8. M

    Photo-Graffix Gallery Php Script...

    Ok, Thanks a lot anyway Corey...I will check the creators site now and see if they can help me further.
  9. M

    Photo-Graffix Gallery Php Script...

    Hi, I want to install the photo-graffix php gallery script on your server space, but it won't install. I checked with a servercheck.php file which checks to see if the script will install based on the server configuration...The servercheck.php checked out 'Ok' for each of it's requirements, but...