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    Almost There

    Thanx Now the hard part, figuring why autocad looks awful on web pages, thats my adventure!
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    Almost There

    Now that my web page is actually posting after removing the html.txt file I only have one question... How do I get it to go directly to my page without the INDEX o cgi.tml/ o images/ o oilweb1a.jpg o page1.html o postinfo.html o robots.txt showing up I only want the "page1.html"...
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    Is Chess a sport?

    YES I used to play a lot in college. I would get extremely tired and it was physically draining when playing player ranked higher than me or when the pressure was on. It will wear you out if playing for cash.
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    Graphics in Autocad

    the only way I have found to do it by plotting to a pdf file, then changing the pdf to a jpg file. it loses a lot of the detail and looks splochy. Edit: by the way i just put my "Instant" page up. it's hit page 1 and you will see what I mean how the graphic and...
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    System Help

    Thanx It WORKS!!!!! Now the hard part begins fixing it so it looks good
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    System Help

    I added two files to the Public_html. I can see them on the right side but when I expand the files tree on the left sie they are not there and I still can't see my page. Edit: I added two files to Public_html. They are the code (a very simple one) and a graphic. I can see them on the Cpanel...
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    which is better? firefox or IE?

    It depends. I have gone to some sites where firefox could not read the data such as geophysical well logs in "DeJavu" where IE7 worked flawlessly. Other sites, Firefox worked better. It may be more to do with who wrote the code for the page and which add on program are used.
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    System Help

    As most of you can tell, I'm a newbie in web pages. I have written a VERY BASIC code for a web page but I cant figure out how to get it to post. Where do I put the files, how to I link my files to get it on the server etc. is FTP required, is SQL required, How do I look at it to see if its...
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    Graphics in Autocad

    I do a lot of Autocad drafting. I am designing my first web page offline before I place int here. How can I send an Autocad file to be placed on my web page. It has extentions of .dwg or .dxf. I don't think to many folks can read these formats. When i plot in .pdf, they look awful. Any...
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    Help Resolved

    Thanx to Corey everybody and hello folks, I'm new to X10.
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    Thanx Smith6612. I'll wait for a response. The next thing I'll need to know is how to put my web page up and get it running. I'm very new at this. Are there any existing templates available ie what do I need to know?
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    I can't get to my account. To link to the CP panel it saks for my username. when I enter it I always get an error message, no username What gives???? I must be doing something wrong. Is there anybody I can TALK to?