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  1. feld0_x10

    E-Mails not working! POP3/SMTP

    I am on the same server and I'd like to add that the PHP mail() function appears to be disabled, too, as my forum is unable to send out e-mails.
  2. feld0_x10

    PHP isn't working

    Hello! My site ( has several parts to it: the main, pure-HTML site, a gallery (located at, and a forum ( The main site works just fine, but the forum and the gallery (which use PHP) don't. When I try to access the...
  3. feld0_x10

    MySQL stopped working

    Oh. Never mind what I said about reliability; I'm just a total n00b to web design.
  4. feld0_x10

    MySQL stopped working

    Thanks for the instructions (hope I'm not being too n00bish!). I changed the entry in the config file to "localhost." I'll see if the forum goes offline again later. What exactly is the effect of this change, though? How will it make the SQL database more reliable? Sorry, I just like to know...
  5. feld0_x10

    MySQL stopped working

    If you don't mind me asking, how exactly would I do that? Is it a parameter somewhere in the cPanel? Sorry, this is my first time ever using MySQL (or SQL, period.).
  6. feld0_x10

    MySQL stopped working

    I use phpBB's built-in backup feature to back up my database to a folder in the public_html directory. I back it up there about twice a day, and download a backup file to my computer every two days. No automation, sadly. So the problem is simply related to excessive server load?
  7. feld0_x10

    MySQL stopped working

    Hello. I just got an issue with an old e-mail account solved, but a new issue with my forum's SQL database just popped up. Thing is, my forum stopped working completely several minutes ago (from the time I posted this message), and now just displays the attached error message whenever I try to...
  8. feld0_x10

    Unable to delete e-mail account after transferring to

    I searched around the forums and KB for a while, but couldn't find a solution to this seemingly common problem. I originally signed up for an account on x10 a few days ago, and registered my domain as I then went to the cPanel and created the e-mail account...
  9. feld0_x10

    Feld0's here!

    Hello everyone! On the rest of the internet, I am known simply as "Feld0," without the quotes, the comma, but always with the zero (I'm feld0_x10 here 'cause the site wouldn't allow names less than 6 characters long). Anyway, I signed up for x10 after reading some great reviews about it on...