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  1. leafypiggy

    We are now unsuspending your account loop

    I have pushed through our unsuspension manually. I've also fixed the underlying cause of the issue.
  2. leafypiggy

    xo3.x10hosting won't allow me to access cPanel

    What is the email address you are using to login? I have a full, unsuspended account associated with the domain name. You can PM/Email me, if you'd like.
  3. leafypiggy

    How do I add Permission to the database?

    Pretty much, yes. The way an API *should* work (should being the "preferred" way) is with a RESTful API. Basically, you POST/GET/PUT/DELETE to a certain URL, and then action is taken on it based on the type of request (POST/GET/PUT/DELETE). For example, if I had an API that showed my ToDos...
  4. leafypiggy

    Access Denied message for first time login to new account

    Hmmm. It appears that your account's hosting portion wasn't provisioned correctly. Can you try to re-submit the signup with the same email address?
  5. leafypiggy

    How do I add Permission to the database?

    Output isn't really the issue, it's a POST request that would cause the problem. If you tried to throw a querystring like data={'some': [{'json': 'elements'},{'go':'here''}], 'andwhatnot'} It might trigger modsec. Also, things like data=insert+into+dbtable+values+data+here with fully...
  6. leafypiggy

    3 problems

    I've removed the ~/.trash/catalog folder for you.
  7. leafypiggy

    Can't install XenForo

    Hi, Can you please provide us with the validation token from the Xenforo client area? We need to verify your license before we can assist you.
  8. leafypiggy

    lluminated member account either removed or suspended!

    @ajay00963 Your account should be all set now. :)
  9. leafypiggy

    lluminated member account either removed or suspended!

    I've resolved the issue with your domain name not resolving. For some reason it was removed from the nameserver configuration. I'm working on figuring out what happened to your hosting account in our system, which is what is preventing you from logging in.
  10. leafypiggy

    lluminated member account either removed or suspended!

    What was your domain name?
  11. leafypiggy

    Access Denied message for first time login to new account

    Looking into this for you. Can I have your email address? (You can PM or email me)
  12. leafypiggy

    Hi again x10

    Hola! How's it going?
  13. leafypiggy

    Error 503 Service Unavailable

    You have a number of errors on your site that are preventing it from loading. Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/bilp/public_html/sites/default/settings.php:1) in /home/bilp/public_html/includes/ on line 1172...
  14. leafypiggy

    Lost Account - Created new one but can't use custom domain!

    This is quite a confusing one. Your domain doesn't actually exist in the configuration, but for some reason, the server refuses to believe that. I may have to reach out to cPanel about this. I'm going to check with my management team in the morning and see if they have any suggestions. Thanks...
  15. leafypiggy

    Wordpress Contact Forms And Jetpack Not E-mailing

    @essellar: Didn't know that! Only have seen the SMTP versions.
  16. leafypiggy

    Wordpress Contact Forms And Jetpack Not E-mailing

    Free hosting users will not be able to use Mandrill, as that is an external SMTP service.
  17. leafypiggy

    phpMyAdmin cannot download database backups

    PHPMyAdmin does a very weird thing when it exports databases. We've tried tuning it on our free setup, however due to the sheer amount of databases on each server, it is still slow :( I'm going to look into this a bit more now and see if there's anything else we can do.
  18. leafypiggy

    Backend fetch failed

    Hi Bob, What sites are you seeing it on? I will set up some monitoring to check on this and keep an eye to see if I am able to correlate any outages with specific server logs.
  19. leafypiggy

    Adding HTML files (Please Read!)

    They own the files/folders, they can do what they wish. A lot of times in my setups on hosting accounts I'll delete public_html because I symlink it to another folder in my application codebase... but that's another subject.
  20. leafypiggy

    X10Hosting's IP appearing on Cloudflare's Trust List?

    What IP address is it? (You can PM/email me) We have a VPN that our staff uses, so that may explain it.