Search results

  1. Bryon

    MySQL Offline

    There haven't been any issues with the MySQL server on XO2 today that I am aware of. Skyshaymin, your WordPress website does not appear to have its MySQL user created. I just created this to match your wp-config.php file and the site is now loading. Bobo, what is the error you are receiving...
  2. Bryon

    Switching from basic to cPanel v3

    Thank you for taking the time to let me know. Unfortunately there is no nice way to get cPanel to reliably change the theme with their APIs other than to force a log out and new sign-in session.
  3. Bryon

    Switching from basic to cPanel v3

    Hi guys, the problem with switching between control panel interfaces should be resolved as of 7 PM EST. If you see any further issues please update us.
  4. Bryon

    Unable to switch to cPanel.. shows "1"

    Are you on a network that restricts outbound TCP access to port 2803? This is commonly the cause of the issue. You can confirm this if you're able to ping the name, able to access, but unable to access
  5. Bryon

    Cannot access CPanel x3

    It's been fixed! If anyone sees any continued troubles however please let me know.
  6. Bryon

    Unable to Change from Cpanel to Basic

    Can you please try again and let me know how it goes?
  7. Bryon

    Database + CPanel

    Hello, I've corrected the issue with your database.
  8. Bryon

    Error establishing a database connection

    Hello Vekou, I've corrected the issue with your database vekou_wp
  9. Bryon

    Switching from basic to cPanel v3

    Hi, if you're seeing this issue please navigate to the Get Support > Forums page and link your web hosting account to your forum account, so we can assist you further. Otherwise please let us know your hosting account username or domain name so that we can look up your account.
  10. Bryon

    Website still showing '403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied!' 2 weeks+

    Hi Nathan, the issue was due to the following line in your ~/.public_html/.htaccess file: AddType application/x-httpd-php54 .php .php5 .phtml I have commented it out and your websites are now functioning properly. Let us know if you find any other troubles we can try to help you with.
  11. Bryon

    [Complete] Free Hosting Migration

    The migration on Absolut, Level, and Vox servers has been started. x10Hosting free hosting account signups have been temporarily disabled at this time. Any signups submitted will be queued and provisioned on Tuesday, April 22nd, in the order they were received.
  12. Bryon

    Cron Jobs not working

    This issue with "/home/override.php" is resolved. If you have a cronjob (or multiple) that are not executing you need to ensure that your account was within compliance of our Terms of Service with respect to the crontab rule: An account that is not in compliance with this rule would have its...
  13. Bryon

    cannot change login email address

    Hi Harald, this issue has been resolved.
  14. Bryon

    FTP Error

    Hi, by chance have you made any changes to your DNS zone for in cPanel? It looks like the ftp. record has been removed. You should be able to re-create this in cPanel X3's DNS zone editor. You may also use the hostname directly to connect to FTP, and you...
  15. Bryon

    Every time I log in I can't redirect to cPanel

    What web browser are you using?
  16. Bryon

    Curious about host details

    Hello, I checked our records and I'm seeing two tickets to have come in from you regarding SQL connectivity from remote hosts. Both of these were replied to within 1-2 hours. Can you please check your spam folder/directory to ensure that the emails weren't incorrectly flagged as spam? I've...
  17. Bryon

    2083 in Link Support

    This SSO link provided by everyone redirects you directly to cPanel upon a successful sign in.
  18. Bryon

    SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Too many connections [1040]

    ImageMagick filled /tmp and caused the issues. The problem has been resolved.
  19. Bryon

    Possible error causing wordpress to wiz out?

    ImageMagick filled /tmp and caused the issues. The problem has been resolved.
  20. Bryon

    domain name [need help]

    This issue has been resolved on your server.