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    Certificate Error when connecting by FTP

    FTP over TLS never worked for me, it has always been the insecure plain FTP
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    Can't log into my wp-login WordPress site. Why is this?

    Using FileZila or the Direct Admin File manager edit your .htacess file inside the WordPress directory in in the public_html folder of your domain and check if it looks like this. # BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]...
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    How to change FTP password?

    Your welcome
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    How to change FTP password?

    To change your FTP password just go to Direct Admin > FTP Management Click on the account you already have and fill out the fields. the page will look like this
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    Can't log into my wp-login WordPress site. Why is this?

    Are you using cloudflare? or HTTPS overrides on your .htacess file? The Apache is functioning normally issue occurs when you force HTTPS without a valid certificate on the server. the solutions are the following If your using cloudflare just set you security level to Flexible and you should...
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    Old Server X03

    Are you using just plain FTP or are you using FTP over TLS? Plain FTP works however FTP over TLS does not, the server does not have a valid certificate which is why it doesn't work.
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    Increase storage limit

    I'm sorry to post this again but would it be possible to have at least 1GB increase in storage as I still have files to upload to get a part of my site up and running this should have me set for a long while
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    Nameservers propagating slowly

    so I've added a domain on my account to facilitate a second website and I just noticed something odd, usually my domains propagate within a few minutes of changing the nameservers to ns1 and however it's been days and the propagation was still only on 4 countries according to...
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    your just staring fired with that kind of answer, we after all do not have acesss to the PHP.ini Check your we-config for this line define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); Next check if your URLs in the general settings tab is using http both your wordpress and site address should use this Next...
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    Increase storage limit

    My website is hosting a blog, fanfiction archive ( text only ) a project management program and 5e tools I'm almost at the limit of 1GB and would like an increase
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    Restore disk space to level pre-migration

    I'm having the same problem only for me my space was 1GB could I possibly get the lost space back? I also created a thread here
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    Name server

    it's actually propagating just rather slow.
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    Name server

    Yes those are the nameservers, have you tried using a propagation checker? to check the propagation status. Domains can take up to a week to propagate properly.
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    Increase disk space that has been reduced

    @Anna Any news would be appreciated I can't even run my site anymore I can't post or edit existing files
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    Increase disk space that has been reduced

    All the files are used by my site if I can't upload with the limits I can't develop my projects, with the disk space limit I can't even post
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    Increase disk space that has been reduced

    I had my disk space increase on 11/05/2019 and did a bit of cleaning up preparing to add an application to my website. However when I went to upload the new application I found myself having errors with low disk space, looking into it it seems that my disk space has been lowered from 1GB to...
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    SSL in main domain and other questions

    There is no possible way to add SSL on the x10 servers if it's not specifically allowed by the Hosting provider as that would require placing files in the root directory inside the PHP folder and we have no access to that. The workaround is though Cloudflare but as @mycoo368 said Cloudflare...
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    Several Issues on x11

    @Anna I'm receiving this error on my code This error means that I the application can't write PHP session files in the session directory, so I did a requirement check and found that the directory is indeed not writable or does not exist looking at PHP options confirms my suspicions Can you...
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    Several Issues on x11

    @softdesi I'm using Cloudflare on my own domains for my .ga URL I think I need to speak with my registrar, this is too slow for propagation
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    Several Issues on x11

    Yes I have added the domain already According to your DNS setting which were generated by Direct Admin there is an A record already for I solved the Issue with "Apache is running normally" on my website by lowering the SSL/TLS...