Search results

  1. Livewire

    My account has been suspended

    The only hosting account I was able to identify of yours was terminated February 13th 2015; given that the account was terminated, we don't have the ability to unsuspend it. You are able to create a new account, but none of the files/databases would be recoverable from the old account.
  2. Livewire expired

    I've notified senior staff, but beyond the domain expiring your sites/accounts are still hosted with us and are 100% intact - the server itself is still there, just that the domain used to access the sites expired. Given the expiration date, it should be in the recovery period so senior staff...
  3. Livewire

    Disk space upgrade request

    While I apologize for the delay in reviewing this, the account in question is using a nulled version of XenForo; this has resulted in the account being suspended. If you feel this is in error, you will need to open a dispute from the client area, and include the Validation Token from your...
  4. Livewire

    Can't login into x10Hosting account

    Update: Turns out I was wrong, just didn't know how and got some learnin' in today :) The good news is you aren't blocked in the firewalls or blocklists; the bad news is you aren't blocked on our end, which indicates this is a network issue. If it is indeed a work/school network, they most...
  5. Livewire

    Can't login into x10Hosting account

    I sadly don't have access to the firewalls to be able to check into this; I'll ping a senior staff member to see if they can look into this further but I can't make any promises since I haven't a clue what it doesn't like.
  6. Livewire

    Database Connection Failed

    Near as I can tell from reading the configuration file, your connection string isn't quite right. For privacy I won't paste it here (even without a password), but your database name should be preceded with your cPanel name. Yours has a typo in it however; there's a letter missing (typo). You...
  7. Livewire

    Suggestion: Remove YOURLS from Softaculous

    Late reply, but good catch; Softaculous did have that disabled but somewhere in there they appear to have defaulted it to "on," because that makes total sense [/sarcasm]. Should be removed on xo7 now; running through the others shortly to match.
  8. Livewire

    Request for max file size increase (to host PhantomJS)

    Unfortunately we don't have a way to add an exception to the filesize limit; we would also be in a position where if we made an exception for one person, we'd have to make it for all, defeating the purpose of the system altogether. Reading through their blog and FAQ however, there's a very...
  9. Livewire

    Account Removed/Suspended?

    I'm seeing a termination report for username plasticc on 4/10/18; although the original suspension reason isn't visible to me, I do see it terminated after 21 days in suspension, which indicates inactivity. Unfortunately any content on the account was erased when it was terminated; if you have...
  10. Livewire


    Remote MySQL is not supported on our free hosting services; if this is a script you're attempting to run on your account, you should be using "localhost." Beyond that, we'll need more information to assist further. Edit: Also a bad idea to be using illegal software on your account. If you...
  11. Livewire

    Disk space upgrade request

    This one looks to have gotten missed; I've doubled the available disk space which should be reflected shortly.
  12. Livewire

    Disk Space Increase request

    Unfortunately because it's linked to the wrong username, I'm not sure it'll be possible to change - there's a relink process that can be done if it isn't already linked, but I'm not sure there's a way to change the link if it is already linked to a username. That having been said, I'm doubling...
  13. Livewire

    Disk Space Increase request

    The account is showing it's linked to is blackcatcd; I do see the email address on the account you're using matches the one for that domain but at some point it looks like the associated forum account wasn't updated to the same email which might cause some confusion/issues. The other issue is...
  14. Livewire

    Disk Space Increase request

    There is no hosting account linked to this forum account; you need to submit the request from the linked account so we can process it accordingly.
  15. Livewire

    Disc space increase.

    I have doubled the current quota on your account, however please note most of the site looks to be images which would still be bound by the Image Gallery section in our Terms of Service.
  16. Livewire

    Disc Space Increase Request

    I have doubled the current quota on your account, however please note most of the site looks to be images which would still be bound by the Image Gallery section in our Terms of Service.
  17. Livewire

    Please add disk space

    I have doubled the quota on the account, however you will want to tweak your WordPress settings - every image uploaded looks to be generating an additional 4 thumbnails. Generally speaking, you should only need one per upload, and this is causing each image on your account to generate about...
  18. Livewire

    Disk space increase

    Apologies this was missed; there have been some changes regarding the unmetered disk space where it is doubled rather than changed to unmetered outright (mostly to prevent abuse). I have doubled the current quota in place so you should be able to upload more. One of the requirements for us to...
  19. Livewire

    Social networking site that is not blocked in school.

    Four year necro-bump; that's a new one. For the record OP's site is not on x10hosting anymore (domain on the marketplace indicating it was let to lapse), and isn't blocked - it's no longer registered. Closing; make sure to check the time of the topic you're replying to. If...
  20. Livewire

    Python Install Packages

    Not at the moment, primarily because the premium support desk has paid staff who can help get it solved with more accuracy than we generally can. Plus, the premium servers are configured differently (as you might've guessed, since Python doesn't work on free but does on paid), so some of the...