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  1. Skizzerz

    Help please

    www is a symlink to public_html, which is impossible for normal users to create. Some support staff have the necessary access needed to restore this (as well as public_html itself if you manage to delete that -- it has custom permissions/ownership which is also impossible to set via cpanel/ftp)...
  2. Skizzerz

    Php pdo

    Yes, x10 has PDO. There are a plethora of PDO manuals around the internet, try a Google search for one.
  3. Skizzerz


    Le derp. Fixed above.
  4. Skizzerz


    She is indeed a support volunteer. As your site loads just fine for the both of us, and I can assure you that the previous issue I mentioned has indeed subsided a while ago, we need this extra information in order to assist you. The best place to provide it is in a support ticket.
  5. Skizzerz

    Click This if Your Site Unexpectedly Goes Offline!

    This is completely untrue. While it may take a while for replies (we strive to answer all support tickets promptly, but since all of us are volunteers response times can sometimes take upwards of 72 hours). The only tickets that we close without answering are those which are opened for known...
  6. Skizzerz

    Cron jobs not running

    crond was mysteriously stopped. Restarted it and viola, crons work ;)
  7. Skizzerz


    Starka was under a large attack yesterday, which was causing the issues others have posted about (we had over 16500 connections at one point in time!), but it has since subsided.
  8. Skizzerz

    Wiki Rewrite help please

    Do the following instead: 1. Move your wiki's files out of the root directory. It is an unsupported MediaWiki configuration (and in general a crappy idea) to have your files reside in the same location as where you are trying to rewrite to. A suggested configuration is to put MediaWiki in a...
  9. Skizzerz

    Installing perl modules

    Personal Opinion follows, which may or may not be x10's official stance on the matter: Actually, not entirely true -- it was due to issues in our previous server setup that we were unable to support perl/python/CGI. With our current setup, we can support these without the issues that arose on...
  10. Skizzerz

    Pointless Question Time

    Unfortunately, no. Once it's gone it's gone; we don't make or retain backups of free hosting accounts. To avoid such things in the future (if you decide to stay with us by creating a new account), just make sure you log into your account portal at least once every 30 days, per...
  11. Skizzerz

    Stoli SQL down?

    Should be fixed. If you or anyone else gets an error about being unable to connect to the mysql socket, please open a support ticket and mention that error, as the underlying issue has to do with our server setup for each account, and not mysql itself.
  12. Skizzerz

    Failed to connect to server

    The MySQL server is always, and always will be, "localhost" -- anything else will not work.
  13. Skizzerz

    Adding a subdomain to domain bought from X10Hosting

    Go to the DNS Zone Editor on cPanel (either the simple or advanced will work)
  14. Skizzerz

    Any Long Term Bad Karma for Resource Limit Hits?

    No, there should be no ill effects from hitting the resource limit multiple times, although if you seem to be obviously abusing server resources we may fully suspend your account until we have a chance to discuss what options are available with you. @mraz, that post is quite old, and no longer...
  15. Skizzerz

    Resource Limit Hit!

    On the contrary, our limits are quite generous for running a website. Many users successfully run CMS as well as real-time chat. The key to the latter (the chat) is finding a chat script that is either configurable so it doesn't ping back to the server as often or finding one that uses an...
  16. Skizzerz

    Stuck Resource Limit Hit suspensions on boru

    For users who have been experiencing a stuck "Resource Limit Hit!" suspension and are on the boru server, I am pleased to announce that these issues have been resolved and your sites should now work again. Since these issues have been resolved, any Resource Limit Hit suspensions from this point...